How To Make Cookies Soft Again

Hard cookies are annoying but don’t despair. With these kitchen hacks, your cookies can still be saved and will soon be soft again.

Christmas time is cookie time. But what if the painstakingly baked butter biscuits, vanilla crescents, rascals, or cinnamon stars become hard after a short time?

A case for the dustbin? No way! After all, there is so much love in every cookie dough. Hard cookies can be made soft again with a few tricks.

Soft cookies and biscuits lose their moisture over time and thus change their consistency.

How To Make Cookies Soft Again? Three kitchen tricks that everyone should know

Softening hard cookies really isn’t magic. The TAG24 guide has the following tips in stock:

Tip 1: The simplest trick is to put a piece of apple (or several slices of apple if you have a lot of cookies) in the cookie jar. After a short time, the apple slice releases its moisture to the hard biscuits and makes the pastries soft again. In order to avoid mold, the apple should also be taken out again or exchanged for a fresh piece every day.

2nd tip: If you don’t like the aroma of the apple or have an allergic reaction, you can also grab a slice of bread. Just put a slice of sourdough bread in the cookie jar for a few days and the cookies will be wonderfully soft and edible again. Here, too, it is important to check regularly whether the bread is beginning to get moldy.

What Not to Do When Softening Cookies

Don’t reheat them in the oven. When attempting to sweeten cookies, this is a frequent mistake. Rebaking them actually causes the cookies to lose more moisture and makes them harder.

DO NOT microwave them without first covering them with a moist paper towel. Just microwaving them without any moisture will make them rigid and stiff, much like re-baking your cookies.

Related Questions

How do I recognize fresh cookies?

Fresh cookies are crispy and smell like pastry. Depending on the ingredients, cookies can be a little softer or harder. However, they are not dried out and hard, but contain a crispy freshness.

How to recognize spoiled and bad cookies?

Spoiled cookies are soft or have dried out, hard spots. In addition, the oil it contains can go rancid, making the biscuits taste just as unpalatable.

If cookies accidentally come into contact with moisture, mold can also form.

What ingredients are in cookies?

Depending on the recipe, cookies contain, for example, wheat flour, sugar, vegetable oils, butter or margarine, baking powder, and vanilla sugar.

Since the recipes are very versatile, low-fat cookies can also be created. Therefore, the ingredients and nutritional values ​​are very different.

Final Words

Check regularly whether your biscuits are getting moldy or dry after a few days in the cookie jar. An apple slice releases its moisture and makes the pastries soft again. If you don’t like the aroma of the apple or have an allergic reaction, grab a slice of bread instead.

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